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Greenland Crossing

Greenland Crossing

kr 95 000

kr 25 000 i depositum via faktura

May 3, 2024 - 31 days

3. mai 2025  –  31 dager

kr 95 000

kr 25 000 i depositum via faktura

May 3, 2024 - 31 days

3. mai 2025  –  31 dager

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Crossing Greenland on skis is definitely one of the greatest things you can experience with skis on your feet. This is a big dream for a great amount of people and we at Pure Madness are ready to help just you to fulfill that dream.

This is a rather demanding expedition, but the vast majority of people have good prerequisites to manage this trip. But it requires good preparations and lots of training to get a good experience over the Greenland ice cap. Pure Madness makes it easy for you to get as much help as possible from us to make the right preparations. Together, we will form a strong group that will have the absolute best prerequisites to execute in style. We have focus on learning as much as possible for each individual, and focus very much on this being a trip that we will have together. We can promise that this will be an experience you will never forget!

Do you have any questions?

Write your email, and we'll contact you!

    Christian Styve

    Christian Iversen Styve

    +47 90 700 335

    Christian guided me and a small group over the Greenland ice cap with a steady hand. He generously shared his expert knowledge of expeditions which helped me build competence for this type of trip. He is very skilled at reading the terrain and the weather, something I never quite got the hang of. Good man to have with you when things get tough.

    Geir B.

    Do you have any questions?

    Write your email, and we'll contact you!

      Christian Styve

      Christian Iversen Styve

      +47 928 47 748

      During spring, we start crossing Greenland on skis from west to east. We fly to Kangerlussuaq and start the journey up the majestic but also very demanding glacier. From here, we continue with our heads held high and with fresh courage into the enormous ice that awaits us, before we again meet civilization on the east side of Greenland. There is very little that beats the feeling of standing on solid ground again. What has been your goal for so long has finally been fulfilled and you can safely call it an enormous feeling of mastery.

      The trip will start at the beginning of May, which is the period with the best conditions for good weather, good snow and ice conditions. We start slow and allowing the body to get used to the load with the sled. It also gives us plenty of time to practice everything to do with routines. After 4-5 days it's as if we were born to do this. The body feels much better and the routines stick. After these first days, we will normally ski for 7-8 hours each day. The distance will vary between 20-30 km per day, but here it is the weather and road that determine the progress. This means that you can expect to cross the ice in around 25 days. But it is important to understand that this trip is demanding, and it is extremely rare that things go exactly as planned. It is important to prepare for this in advance. Here, the progress plan will change approximately day by day.

      After about halfway through, we will arrive at the decommissioned US radar station DYE II. Here, it is usual to have a day of rest and a visit inside the station. This will depend on whether we have more or less normal progress, but there will be a stop here in any case.

      The next goal after DYE II is what we often call the "summit". The highest point on the route. After this, it will slowly but surely go down again. But don't expect long downhills with good glide. In the right snow conditions, it is certainly possible to remove the traps here and lubricate the skis. This together with a lighter sled often contributes to slightly easier conditions and good distances. But deeper snow is also common in the east, so we have to wait and see what actually awaits us. One of the most exciting things about the trip is when we can start scouting for mountains on the horizon. Very special feeling when we have only seen endless platou for so long. In addition, it reinforces the feeling that the goal is in sight - A real boost!

      The last obstacle is the glacier on the east side, this is generally easier than in the west, and here you can occasionally experience good glide and the feeling of going downhill. We still have to take it a bit easy, because we may encounter crevasses here.

      At the end of the hill we are picked up and transported back to Tasiilaq by helicopter. It is difficult to describe how good it tastes with regular food again, a long shower and, not least, clean clothes. Although it is rather sad that we will not be doing what we have been used to during the recent weeks. Glide carefree over the magical ice sheet in Greenland.

      Everyone should be as well prepared as possible before a Greenland crossing on skis. There will be two training sessions before departure, one in autumn 2022 and one early in the year in 2023. Here, it will primarily be a chance to meet the other participants. There will also be a review of the expedition, and what is important to train on until departure. There will also be a chance to ask any questions you may have. We will also go through everything around equipment. But the main focus is for us to get to know each other and have fun together. We will find a good place to meet well in advance of autumn.

      The winter gathering will be somewhere on Hardangervidda. Here we will try to simulate what awaits us in Greenland. We will check that everyone is in good enough shape before departure, but also practice different scenarios that may encounter us in Greenland. We will learn to work together and make all routines fit as well as possible. So that you can practice even more on your own before we leave for the great glacier. If you have not put in enough training, then you must be prepared that you will not be allowed to join that year. But you will have the chance to try again the following year.

      You will also receive a tailored training plan from your guide. Christian will be available to help you with this as soon as you have signed up. And he will accompany you all the time until departure. This can happen both on the phone, but also via Skype or other platforms. It is important to Christian that you are as well prepared as possible, and that you feel confident that you are on the right track with your preparations. 

      The most important thing you can train on until departure is to get on skis, preferably with a sled. And that you train with tires when there's no snow. In addition, you must practice tent setup, tent routines and lighting the petrol burner. It is important that you actually get out on a trip and practice this. It's the very best way to get really good at it. We help you get started with the things you need training on. Then it is up to you to make time for it - You can do it, we have faith in you!


      Pure Madness stands for all communal equipment. That is tents, sleds, burners, navigation equipment, communication equipment, rope kit, medicines, security equipment, kitchen equipment and weapons. You must provide all personal equipment yourself. Here there will be specific requirements for equipment, especially when it comes to boots and bindings. You will receive a complete equipment list from us. 


      Du må ha en egen reiseforsikring som dekker ekspedisjon på Grønland. Her kan vi komme med anbefaling. We provide Search and Rescue insurance, which covers evacuation in the event of illness on the ice. This does not apply if, for one reason or another, you wish to withdraw during the trip.


      We reserve the right to change the day's programme. We aim to depart around May 3rd, but the final date will be set later when all flights become available. But it's going to be as close to May 3rd as possible.

      Number of participants

      On this trip there will be 6-8 participants in a group. In addition to the guide.

      Christian Styve

      Your Guide

      Guide and expedition leader on this trip will be Christian Iversen Styve. He has extensive experience with Greenland crossing on skis. He has crossed the ice 7 times in the past. In addition, he has had several hiking and skiing trips elsewhere in Greenland. In addition to Greenland, he also has 4 long trips to the South Pole as a guide, to name a few. You can read more about Christian's background at About us. Learning is central to Christian. The desire to impart knowledge, contribute to mastery and good experiences for the individual. We will have fun on tour, even on days that are really challenging. 

      What is included?

      • One of Norway's most experienced polar guides
      • Close follow-up from the guide/expedition leader from the time you sign up until departure
      • Two training sessions that teach you everything you need before your trip. 
      • Tour diary
      • You can borrow all of the communal equipment listed above from us 
      • Expedition permit in Greenland
      • Bank guarantee of DKK 200,000
      • Safety and communication equipment
      • Search and Rescue (SAR) insurance
      • The food and drink you need on the trip across the ice
      • Shipping of equipment and food to Greenland, apart from your own equipment. You bring that yourself
      • Transport in Kangerlussuaq to the starting point at the glacier
      • Transport to Tasiilaq by helicopter

      What is not included?

      • Food and drink at training gatherings
      • Transport to and from training sessions
      • Flight to and from Greenland 
      • Accommodation on the way to and from Greenland. Denmark and Iceland
      • Accommodation in Kangerlussuaq
      • Accommodation in Tasiilaq 1 -2 nights
      • Transport Tasiilaq – Kulusuk
      • Food and drink in Kangerlussuaq and Tasiilaq
      • Food and drink on the journey to and from Greenland
      • Any additional costs for special food needs
      • Personal medications 
      • Personal travel insurance that covers the Greenland crossing
      • Unforeseen events that cause delays and extra costs for the individual. We recommend that you have flexible tickets as far as possible


      So awesome that you would like to join us on this expedition! After you have submitted this form, we will contact you for more information and send you an invoice for the deposit.

        Select date
        03. mai 2025
